I feel so lousy.... After a night talk, i realise how self degenerating i am how useless i can be.
During interview, interveiwer always ask What is your strength and weaknesses. My strength is also my weaknesses. I'm a result orientated person, but at the same time it hit me hard as well. No result i have become a self degenerating machine. I need to make things work and not find excuses when there's no results. what babe said is right, i'm such a coward, giving up when i don see result. Even if i leave i have to make things work, show results and make my worth b4 i declare my incompetence.
I'm too comfortable in my comfort zone....
There are low times but it a part of life, after rain there will be sunshine life have to go on.
To continue in pride or live running away is a choice. I've made my choice and decided to stick to it.